Pope Benedict XVI has been seeking to return the SSPX to full communion with the Church. The problem is not with the Pope or the Bishops. It falls squarely on the SSPX.
Illicit bishop Fellay has made a statement which is quite alarming when one considers the implication:
The key problem in our discussions with Rome was really the Magisterium, the teaching of the Church. Because they say, "we are the pope, we are the Holy See" – and we say, yes. And so they say, "we have the supreme power," and we say, yes. They say, "we are the last instance in teaching and we are necessary" – Rome is necessary for us to have the Faith, and we say, yes. And then they say, "then, obey." And we say, no.
He goes on in a self-serving way making personal attacks and assuming as proven what needs to be proven true, but we have a real problem here.
For the record, the SSPX, according to Fellay, recognizes that…
- The See of Rome is the See of the Pope
- That the Pope has supreme power
- That the Pope is the last authority (no appeal beyond) and necessary.
- Rome is necessary for us to have the Faith
…They STILL refuse to obey.
If they accept the above points, they cannot claim that Rome is "Modernist." If Rome is "modernist" then quite frankly Christ failed His promise to be with the Church always and the problem is not over the teaching of ecumenism, but the claim that Christ is God. If Christ failed to protect His Church then He either lacked power to protect it or lied… either would make the Catholic claim about God false.
It takes a special kind of blindness to take that attitude.
Indeed, Christ had something to say about this kind of attitude.
Matthew 18:17
"If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector."
Luke 10:16
"Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me. And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me."
The SSPX certainly needs our prayers, but they cannot in any way be considered faithful if they share Fellay's attitude.