It's Iimi! Archives

To Go To The Home Page, Click HERE or on the Banner. Remember that the main page only shows the first panel. Click on "Read More" to jump to the full comic.

Iimi (Irene Inez Mary Iscra) is a mildly autistic teenage apologist who finds herself defending the Catholic Faith in a High School where hostility and misconceptions against it are rampant. 

Iimi started out as small comics on my blog's Facebook page. Eventually, I realized it would be better to post the comics directly on the blog.

Because the Cast of Characters is getting rather large, I've created it as its own comic. You can find it HERE. It will be updated as I go along.

The links in older comics referencing previous comics are broken. It's best to come back to this page and look for the comic in question.

If you find a comic in which the panels are missing, please contact me on my Facebook page or leave a comment on the defective post in question. 

The Comic List:

It's Iimi! Introduction (Cast of Characters, etc.).


2020 Comics: Season 0 and Season 1

(At this time, I still viewed If I Might Interject as a blog with an occasional webcomic).

(Season 0 comics [Episodes 1-2] were originally posted on Facebook). While Iimi was perpetually a Sophomore until season 5, you could think of these comics as representing her Freshman year. She definitely has problems with her social skills in these comics. Episode 3 was more of a PSA urging obedience to the Church during the COVID pandemic of 2020 and has nothing to do with the series.

These comics were pretty primitive in terms of using the software and storytelling.

[Episode 1] It's Iimi! Issue Zero (Part I)
[Episode 2] It's Iimi! Issue Zero (Part II)
[Episode 3] Apart From The Sacraments, But Still A Part Of The Church

[Issue 4] It's Iimi! "Pride" and Prejudice
[Issue 5] It's Iimi! A Dialogue on Misconceptions

[Issue 6] It's Iimi! A Semi-Socratic Dialogue on Authority and Missionary Dating

[Issue 7] It's Iimi! What is Good Government?

[Issue 8] It's Iimi! Maybe I Was Born A Tree Because I Will Dialogue

[Issue 9] It's Iimi! Standing Alone Against the Hordes

[Issue 10] It's Iimi! Why I Keep Fighting

[Issue 11] It's Iimi! Checkmate

[Issue 12] It's Iimi! Flag of Truce?

[Issue 13] It's Iimi! Vile Evil (Part I)

[Issue 14] It's Iimi! Vile Evil (Part II)

[Issue 15] It's Iimi! Vile Evil (Part III)

[Issue 16] It's Iimi! On Grave Matter and Other Things

[Issue 17] It's Iimi! Inside the Domestic Church


2021 Comics: Season 2

In Season 2, I began writing stories that developed the characters and their relationships. It gradually shifted from "apologetics comics" to comics involving apologetics within a story. Beginning with Issue 37, If I Might Interject became purely a webcomic.

This season is also when Krysta joined the group of friends.

[Issue 18] It's Iimi! Contraries 
[Issue 19] It's Iimi! The Corpse in the Lab 
[Issue 20] It's Iimi! Moral Monsters
[Issue 21] It's Iimi! Problematic Assumptions
[Issue 22] It's Iimi! Problematic Assumptions (Part II)
[Issue 23] It's Iimi! Problematic Assumptions (Part III)
[Issue 24] It's Iimi! Seeking the Truth Between the Extremes
[Issue 25] It's Iimi! Asking the Right Questions
[Issue 26] Mirror Error on the Wall
[Issue 27] Lesson One: Knowing That We Don't Know
[Issue 28] Otoko Nan Ze!
[Issue 29] It's Iimi! But Where Does That Leave You?
[Issue 30] It's Iimi! What Good is the Golden Rule?
[Issue 31] It's Iimi! The Ladaria Letter and Other Things
[Issue 32] It's Iimi: On Life, Language, and Leanings
[Issue 33] It's Iimi! Just Who is Factionalized Here?
[Issue 34] It's Iimi! So, What Are You Gonna Do About It?
[Issue 35] It's Iimi! Of Course I'm Still With Him!

My Dinner With Andrea (Multi-Part Story)
[Issue 36] Part I: It's Iimi! RTFM
[Issue 37] Part II: It's Iimi! Guardian of the Faith
[Issue 38] Part III: It's Iimi! Counting the Cost
[Issue 39] Part IV: It's Iimi! To Catch a Catholic?
[Issue 40] Part V: It's Iimi! My Dinner With Andrea

[Issue 41] It's Iimi! Is the Pope Committing "Mass" Murder?
[Issue 42] It's Iimi! Conflicted!
[Issue 43] It's Iimi! Lone Wolf and Bug: Handcart at the Gates of Heck

Paula's Abortion (Muti-Part Story)
[Issue 44] Part I: It's Iimi! My "Friend" Has A Problem…
[Issue 45] Part II: It's Iimi: The Bonds of Family
[Issue 46] Part III: It's Iimi! The Best Laid Plans...
[Issue 47] Part IV: It's Iimi! What if God Sent You?
[Issue 48] Part V: It's Iimi! Remember, It's About People!
[Issue 49] Part VIIt's Iimi! On The Hunt!
[Issue 50] Part VII: It's Iimi! Mistakes, Oversights, and Assumptions...
[Issue 51] Part VIII: It's Iimi! When God Closes a Door, He Opens a Window...
[Issue 52] Part IX: It's Iimi! Will I Ever Awaken From the Endless Nightmare?

[Issue 53] It's Iimi! A Time To Heal
[Issue 54] It's Iimi! What's The Matter With Matter?
[Issue 55] It's Iimi! We Must Be True To What We Believe!
[Issue 56] It's Iimi! What's A Catholic To Do?
[Issue 57] It's Iimi! The Fake Tricks
[Issue 58] It's Iimi! Stay In Your Lane!
[Issue 59] It's Iimi! A Hand-Made Tale
[Issue 60] It's Iimi! "CINO Evil"!
[Issue 61] It's Iimi! Another Presser, Another Misrepresentation!
[Issue 62] It's Iimi: "Of Cabbages and Kings."
[Issue 63] It's Iimi! Becoming an Unexpected Family
[Issue 64] It's Iimi! Storm Brewing?
[Issue 65] It's Iimi! Targeted
[Issue 66] It's Iimi! Sisters In Arms…
[Issue 67] It's Iimi! What Will You Do Once You Learn the Truth?
[Issue 68] It's Iimi! Christ Shield Me Today
[Issue 69] It's Iimi! At the Edge of the Oncoming Storm
[Issue 70] It's Iimi! Did the Pope Actually Say It?
[Issue 71] It's Iimi! Opening Skirmishes

[Issue 72] It's Iimi! It Would Almost Be Comic If The Consequences Weren't So Tragic

[Issue 73] It's Iimi! Beneath the Surface

[Issue 74] It's Iimi! A Question of Power

[Issue 75] It's Iimi! Interlude: A Requiem For the Unborn 

[Issue 76] It's Iimi! A Hostile Act

[Issue 77] It's Iimi!  Misfire

[Issue 78] It's Iimi! Fractured!

[Issue 79] It's Iimi! Where Do You Draw the Line?

[Issue 80] It's Iimi! Walking the Talk

[Issue 81] It's Iimi! End Games and New Games


2022 Comics: Season 3

2022 was an experiment with a year-long set of subplots that went on in the background.

[Issue 82] It's Iimi! The Lies That Bind...
[Issue 83] It's Iimi! Paradigm Shift
[Issue 84] It's Iimi! Reigning Cats and Dogs
[Issue 85] It's Iimi! Trust and Dialogue
[Issue 86] It's Iimi! "Because X. Therefore, You're Scum!"
[Issue 87] It's Iimi! A Question of Authority
[Issue 88] It's Iimi! Blessed Are The Peacemakers
[Issue 89] It's Iimi! Honor Your Father and Mother
[Issue 90] It's Iimi! An Iota Worth of Difference
[Issue 91] It's Iimi! Knee-Jerk
[Issue 92] It's Iimi! Bus-Stop Battle
[Issue 93] Ash Wednesday 2022 (Single Panel)
[Issue 94] It's Iimi! Is it Better to Travel Hopefully...?
[Issue 95] It's Iimi! ...Than To Arrive?
[Issue 96] It's Iimi! Coffee Clash!
[Issue 97] It's Iimi! The Riddle…
[Issue 98] It's Iimi! Bear One Another's Burdens
[Issue 99] It's Iimi! Ascetics' Aesthetics
[Issue 100] It's Iimi! A Day in the Life of the Iscra Family
[Issue 101] It's Iimi! Guess Who's Coming to Easter
[Issue 102] It's Iimi! A Muslim Ponders During Good Friday
[Issue 103] Have a Holy Easter 2022 (Single Panel) 
[Issue 104] It's Iimi! Jesus is God, Not "a god."
[Issue 105] It's Iimi! Divided Over "Joiners"
[Issue 106] It's Iimi! Acta non Verba!
[Issue 107] It's Iimi! Credo
[Issue 108] It's Iimi! Kashira, Kashira? A Tale of Rash Judgment
[Issue 109] It's Iimi! Busted!
[Issue 110] It's Iimi! They Drew First Blood
[Issue 111] It's Iimi! At the Point of Breaking
[Issue 112] It's Iimi! Whataboutism 
[Issue 113] It's Iimi! Slow Burn
[Issue 114] It's Iimi! Desperate Defiance (Part I)
[Issue 115] It's Iimi! Desperate Defiance (Part II)
[Issue 116] It's Iimi! Dubai-ous 
[Issue 117] It's Iimi! Struggles in a Sandstorm
[Issue 118] It's Iimi! Interpretations and Misinterpretations
[Issue 119] It's Iimi! Nadir 
[Issue 120] It's Iimi! Gifts of Love and Mercy
[Issue 121] It's Iimi! Duel to the Life! 
[Issue 122] It's Iimi! Bonds of Battle, Shackles of Mistrust
[Issue 123] It's Iimi! Interlude: Like a Scab Torn From a Wound 
[Issue 124] It's Iimi! Verbal Aikido
[Issue 125] It's Iimi! ALEA IACTA EST! (The Die Is Cast!)
[Issue 126] It's Iimi! The Final Dream of Paula Ochlos
[Issue 127] It's Iimi! (Not) A Typical Anime Beach Episode
[Issue 128] It's Iimi! Onward to Lesson Two 
[Issue 129] It's Iimi! Hobgoblins! 
[Issue 130] It's Iimi! Breakthrough! 
[Issue 131] It's Iimi! There is Nothing Concealed That Will Not Be Revealed!
[Issue 132] It's Iimi! Go to Jibril! 
[Issue 133] It's Iimi! Journey's End. Journey's Beginning
[Bonus]       Fifteen Years of Blogging! (Single Panel)
[Issue 134] It's Iimi! Truth, Justice, and the Moral Way!
[Issue 135] It's Iimi! I Wanna ROCOR Roll All Night…!
[Issue 136] It's Iimi! Schwerpunkt!
[Issue 137] It's Iimi! Torn Asunder…
[Issue 138] It's Iimi! Ancient Geek Warfare 
[Issue 139] It's Iimi! Blasphemous!
[Issue 140] It's Iimi! Bug-Out Bag!
[Bonus]      It's Iimi! Old Classroom (A Song Parody)
[Issue 141] It's Iimi! A Large Serving of Mammon 
[Issue 142] It's Iimi! Rapprochement (The Long Goodbye: Part I) 
[Issue 143] It's Iimi! Transitions (The Long Goodbye: Part II)
[Issue 144] It's Iimi! Denouement and Reboot (The Long Goodbye: Part III)
[Issue 145] It's Iimi! One in One or Zero in One 
[Issue 146] It's Iimi! God and Pharaoh 
[Issue 147] It's Iimi! St. Mary's Outside the Malls


2023 Comics: Season 4

2023 was about learning to tell stories more effectively. (Whether or not I succeeded, you'll have to decide). That meant studying books on scripts, comic design, and actual Gold/Silver/Bronze Age comics to see how they were put together in the classics.

[Issue 148] It's Iimi! Dam it All! 
[Issue 149] It's Iimi! A Spirit of Slavery
[Issue 150] It's Iimi! Plots… and Machen-ations 
[Issue 151] It's Iimi! Better Call Paul 

[Issue 152] It's Iimi! I am Ovulating-Chestfeeding-Person-Who-Currently-Identifies-as-Cisgender-Female-Whose-Pronouns are-She/Her! Hear Me Roar! 

[Issue 153] It's Iimi! Playing Against a Dead Man's Hand! 

[Issue 154] It's Iimi! Hold Fast To What You Have!

[Issue 155] It's Iimi! Transitions II 

[Bonus]       It's Iimi! Ash Wednesday 2023 (Single Panel)

[Bonus]       It's Iimi! Rite of Election (Single Panel)

[Issue 156] It's Iimi! That Was Unexpected 

[Issue 157] It's Iimi! Born Again… and Again and Again and Again? 

[Issue 158] It's Iimi! Little Fish Have Teeth! 

[Issue 159] It's Iimi! Soph. Iimi and Her Hounded Companions

[Issue 160] It's Iimi! A Time For Redemption 

[Issue 161] It's Iimi! So You Say…

[Issue 162] It's Iimi! The Road to Now 

[Issue 163] It's Iimi! The Universe, Galileo, & All That...

[Issue 164] It's Iimi! Coffee Clash II: Electric Boogaloo 

[Issue 165] It's Iimi! Guilty as Charged 

[Issue 166] It's Iimi! An Omen From the East

[Issue 167] It's Iimi! Don't Panic! 

[Issue 168] It's Iimi! Are You 0°K? 

[Issue 169] It's Iimi! One Step Forward, One Step Back

[Issue 170] It's Iimi! A Final Exam

[Issue 171] It's Iimi! ...There the Vultures Will Gather 

[Issue 172] It's Iimi! It's Iimi! A Time to Reveal… 

[Issue 173] It's Iimi! Making Plans  

[Issue 174] It's Iimi! Three Hours in Dubai 

[Issue 175] It's Iimi! Not My Will But Yours Be Done!


[Issue 177] It's Iimi! Pawn 

[Issue 178] It's Iimi! Throwing a Lugh-Wrench into the Works

[Issue 179] It's Iimi! The Calm Before The Storm 

[Issue 180] It's Iimi! O is For... OBEY 

[Issue 181] It's Iimi! Just a Pinch of Incense...

[Issue 182] It's Iimi! After the Purge 

[Issue 183] It's Iimi! Delinquent 

[Issue 184] It's Iimi! The Battle of All Mothers! 

[Issue 185] It's Iimi! Götterdämmerung!

[Issue 186] It's Iimi! START WARS 

[Issue 187] It's Iimi! Law, Justice, and the… (sigh) American Way 

[Issue 188] It's Iimi! Come On, Gang! It Looks Like We've Got Ourselves A Mystery! 

[Issue 189] It's Iimi! The Battle of C.S. Lewis' Bridge! 

[Issue 190] It's Iimi! Doomed to Fail? 

[Issue 191] It's Iimi! The Taint of Samhain… 

[Issue 192] It's Iimi! International Intrigue! 

[Issue 193] It's Iimi! You Bet Your Life!

[Issue 194] It's Iimi! The Challenge!

[Issue 195] It's Iimi! The Light Shines in the Darkness… 

[Issue 196] It's Iimi! Ignition is Imminent! 

[Issue 197] It's Iimi! Vincible (Ignorance)

[Issue 198] It's Iimi! Credo in Unum Deum! 

[Issue 199] It's Iimi! The It's Iimi Christmas Special! 

2024 Comics: Season 5

This is the year that I ended the characters' “perpetual sophomore” nature and had them start growing up. 

[Issue 200] It's Iimi! Volun-told! 
[Issue 201] It's Iimi! Secret Agendas? 
[Issue 202] It's Iimi! Set Up to Fail? 
[Issue 203] It's Iimi! Countermoves
[Issue 204] It's Iimi! Veritas Calendario Non Regitur! 
[Issue 205] It's Iimi! Making Nothing Out of Something?!
[Issue 206] It's Iimi! In Dust and Ashes
[Issue 207] It's Iimi! Useful Idiots 
[Issue 208] It's Iimi! One Big Fish Story?! 
[Issue 209] It's Iimi! See How They Run! [Part I] [Part II]
[Issue 210] It's Iimi! Reboot Hill 
[Issue 211] It's Iimi! Hemmed In from All Sides!
[Issue 212] It's Iimi! What's the Worst that Can Happen? 
[Issue 213]
It's Iimi! 
When Worldviews Collide! 
[Issue 214] It's Iimi! Can You Calm the Tempest?
[Issue 215]
It's Iimi! The Fall of the House of Feday? 
[Issue 216]
 It's Iimi! Is This a Hill to Die On? 
[Issue 217]
 It's Iimi! …While Every Fool Starts a Quarrel 
[Issue 218]
 It's Iimi! Bad Day at Talaq Mosque  
[Issue 219] It's Iimi! In A Clash Of Contradictions!
[Issue 220]
 It's Iimi! The Separation of Church and State? 
[Issue 221]
It's Iimi! Broken! 
[Issue 222]
 It's Iimi! Then, Things Began to Change… 
[Issue 223] 
It's Iimi! A Mother Against Her Daughter… 
[Issue 224] It's Iimi! One Afternoon in the Rain…
[Issue 225]
 It's Iimi! We Can’t Go Back! We Must Go Forward! 
[Issue 226]
It's Iimi! The Untied States of America
[Issue 227] It's Iimi! Biding My Time… 
[Issue 228] It's Iimi! Lust Burns! 
[Issue 229] It's Iimi! The Last Bridge… 
[Issue 230]
 It’s Iimi! The Battle of Founder’s Day
[Issue 231]
It's Iimi! Special Weapons… and Tactless… 
[Issue 232]
 It’s Iimi! Dawn of the Dread…
[Issue 233]
It's Iimi! Clubbing! 
   It's Iimi! An Apology From the Author (Single Panel)
[Issue 234] It’s Iimi! The Attack of the Freshman Zombie Perverts! 
[Issue 235]
 It’s Iimi! The Damning Truth!
[Issue 236]
It's Iimi! Antisemitic!
[Issue 237]
 It’s Iimi! The Elephant in the Living Room 
[Issue 238]
 It’s Iimi! The Final Struggle 
[Issue 239]
 It’s Iimi! Intervention 
[Issue 240]
 It’s Iimi! A Mother Bear’s Wrath!
[Issue 241]
 It’s Iimi! Clowns… Jokers… You Know the Drill 
[Issue 242]
 It’s Iimi! On The Verge Of Rebellion! 
[Issue 243]
 It’s Iimi! Three Dead Witches Outside Babylon, California [Part I] [Part II]
[Issue 244]
 It’s Iimi! Don’t Bother, They’re Here 
[Bonus]     It’s Iimi! The Dysfunctional States of America (A Post-Election Special)
[Issue 245]
 It’s Iimi! Foundationally Flawed 
[Issue 246]
 It’s Iimi! (Once More) Not My Will But Yours Be Done… 
[Issue 247]
 It’s Iimi! Welcome to Paola 
[Issue 248]
It's Iimi! Tabula Rasa 
[Issue 249] It's Iimi! Digital Toxic Wasteland
[Issue 250] It's Iimi! The Crossroads
[Issue 251] It's Iimi! Flurry Road 
[Issue 252] It’s Iimi! Renounce All to Gain Everything

2025 Comics: Season 6

The Junior year continues...

[Issue 253] It’s Iimi! Disrupted
[Issue 254] It's Iimi! Damnatio Memoriæ
[Issue 255]
 It’s Iimi! The Paper (Trail) Chase
[Issue 256]
It's Iimi! Seeking Truth Behind the Stereotypes
[Issue 257]
It's Iimi! De Profundis (Out of the Depths) 
[Issue 258]
It's Iimi! The Cafeteria is (Sadly) Still Open for Business
[Announcement] Going on Hiatus. Will continue when God allows.
[Issue 259]
It's Iimi! The Reckoning
[Issue 260]
It's Iimi! Storming the Motte and Bailey (2/24)

This webcomic is designed using ComiPo! with Clip Studio Paint software, both under license. Some images used in this comic were AI drafted by the author using NightCafe and then edited by the same. No copyrighted artist names (living or dead) were used in the prompts or for "AI training.".

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