Monday, September 16, 2024

It’s Iimi! The Elephant in the Living Room

 It’s getting harder and harder to miss seeing something happening with Iimi that makes Mike deeply uncomfortable. But nobody wants to talk about it. What will happen when Krysta finally addresses… The Elephant in the Living Room

Post Credit Notes:

Some readers might be surprised by the direction taken in showing the right solution. But, as Krysta pointed out, this isn’t an issue of what God has designed sexuality to be. It’s an issue involving the fact that because Mike is gay, he feels uncomfortable with Iimi’s crush. So, his path is one of living chastely with female friends being friends and nothing more.

Image Credits:

Some images used in this comic were AI drafted by the author using NightCafe or DeviantArt and then edited by the same. No artist names were used in the prompts.

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