Monday, July 29, 2024

It’s Iimi! The Battle of Founder’s Day!

It’s Founder’s Day in Babylon, which is used to debate the issues leading up to the election. Iimi’s friends are arguing to prevent rezoning that would enable adult bookstores and abortion clinics. However, Iimi is sidelined as her mother thinks it may overload her.

When Rick and his friends confront her, and as certain members of the mosque watch with antipathy, will she manage to avoid that overload on…  The Battle of Founder’s Day

Image and Works Credits

Iimi’s debate with Rick and company was partly inspired by Peter Kreeft’s Three Approaches to Abortion. My own presentation is, of course, simplified, and I recommend looking at his book for the whole argument.

Some images used in this comic (including the pregnant woman on page 20) were AI drafted by the author using NightCafe and then edited by the same. No artist names were used in the prompts.

I’ve always said AI especially mishandles two kinds of images—hands and airplanes. I learned of a third one when working on this comic. Pregnant women. Most attempts looked like the woman was 15 months pregnant with twin elephants. I had two results that seemed passable. The one I used in this comic seemed better.

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