Iimi's hearing has finally come. Her father is confident, but Iimi worries that the person hearing the case will be swayed by the lies. Who will survive when the school faces… Götterdämmerung
Götterdämmerung literally means
"Twilight of the gods." In the most literal sense, it refers to the
final battle of the gods and ultimate destruction in Germanic-Nordic myth. In a
more modern sense, it means "situations of world-altering destruction,"
figuratively destroying the world as we know it.
Background cover art, a background panel on page 3, and Iimi as Vulcan (page
27) were AI-generated.
And so ends the Reign of Error arc. There was a limit as to how far Ms. Otios' faction could go without some permanent change. Otios and Gehr are gone. But not all the foes are gone. So, it is Götterdämmerung that Otios' faction was destroyed. But, out of that chaos, new challenges will arise.
But there will always be new challenges. They're not all blatant thuggish attacks like Otios and her real-life equivalents.
back at past issues, you will see Mr. Gehr with his phone out during
particularly damning bits of conversation. So, this isn't a deus ex machina
I always thought that Iimi's father had a too-passive role in the comic so far. I figured he needed a chance to show the kind of protective Father he is to his family. I hope the hearing had some sense of "courtroom drama" to it.
See you next issue.
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