Monday, April 18, 2022

It’s Iimi! Jesus is God, Not “a god.”

Gym class shifts back to the pool. Kismetta sits it out because she’s excused due to Ramadan. While sidelined, she asks Iimi about the difference between saying Christians believe Jesus is God and saying that Christians think Jesus is “a” god. This sets off a round of discussions that leaves Kismetta pondering, and the Gym teacher suspicious that the girls are trying to avoid participating in class. 

Preliminarily note: Kismetta and Iimi have been discussing these topics since the comic began in 2020. This comic builds on past discussions and reflections that Kismetta has. It will help the reader to review the following comics:

It’s Iimi! Issue Zero Part II (The first two comics, introducing Kismetta and the first dialogue on Aut Deus Aut Malus Homo.)

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