Friday, November 12, 2021

It’s Iimi! Beneath the Surface

Of course, we must do good and reject evil. Yes, people do things that are—or at least seem to be—morally wrong. But we can’t just assume that what they do is done out of malice. Being badly taught, suffering trauma, or any number of things can shape a person’s thinking in a way that is hard to break free from.

When we evangelize, we should consider what lies beneath the surface. Showing compassion to those who have endured things we can’t comprehend can help us reach out to them. Even if it fails, it is better to be hated for doing right than doing wrong.

Post Comic Notes: The main point of this comic was to explore Pope Francis’  concept of how Christians must not assume the worst possible motives of those who do wrong. Sure, it might be malice. But it might not be. Certainly, Mike and Shelia assume the worst of Iimi and her friends. But we don’t know what motivates them (yet?) in their anger.

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