It’s quite possible that the Vatican will make a statement, assuming that the “private conversation” did not involve the seal of confession. In such a case, it’s possible that we’ll be told something I did not consider. If that happens, I’ll try to add a commentary about my understanding of this text above the comic.
After visiting Pope Francis, Joe Biden told the media (some sources seem to think he was just trying to dismiss the subject) that the Pope said he was a great Catholic and that he should keep on receiving the Eucharist.
In this comic, Iimi and Paula discuss the story. Iimi points out that right now, there are no facts or context to the claimed statement and looks into why we must not rashly assume that things are as claimed. We cannot accuse the Pope of ignoring the evil of abortion.
We can and must pray for the Pope and the President. If the reader is troubled, praying for peace of mind is also good.
(I will be resuming the current story arc. I just thought this should be written to address the concerns American Catholics are feeling.)
Notes from 2025. I published this mainly because then-President Joe Biden's pro-abortion stance scandalized Catholics. This seeming endorsement stirred up scandals from people with an agenda. Years later, I still have no idea what the real story was. I just know that the Pope is much more nuanced than people think. I know it wasn't an "endorsement" in any way.
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