Friday, October 3, 2014

Slowly Moving Forwards In Communications

For those who follow my blog and are interested, I have finally figured out how to add a Facebook page for this blog. It's mostly going to be the articles plus some occasional short commentary on articles I see online and find edifying or outrageous.

If you're interested, you can follow HERE.

Why am I doing this now? Well, after a long term of service, my computer is slowly reaching the end of its lifespan. I'm making a switch from Desktop to Laptop and from PC to Mac. Seems like this is the time to start doing some other things I have been putting off.


"Kahmo-PC" has been a faithful workhorse. Given to me used in 2011 by dear friends to replace a totally broken HP, it's served me far better than any other computers I've owned ever did. It just doesn't have any more to give.

So, let's just see what the eighth year of the blog has to bring.

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